# Jira Tasks

# JiraTask



(server_url=None, project_name=None, assignee="-1", issue_type=None, summary=None, description=None, **kwargs)[source]

Task for creating a jira issue. For this task to function properly, you need a Jira account and API token. The API token can be created at: https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens The Jira account username ('JIRAUSER'), API token ('JIRATOKEN') can be set as part of a 'JIRASECRETS' object in Prefect Secrets.

An example 'JIRASECRETS' secret configuration looks like:

JIRASECRETS.JIRAUSER = "xxxxx@yyy.com"
JIRASECRETS.JIRASERVER = "https://???.atlassian.net"

The server URL can be set as part of the 'JIRASECRETS' object ('JIRASERVER') or passed to the task as the "server_URL" argument.


  • server_url (str): the URL of your atlassian account e.g. "https://test.atlassian.net". Can also be set as a Prefect Secret.
  • project_name(str): the key for your jira project. Can also be set at run time.
  • assignee (str, optional): the atlassian accountId of the person you want to assign the ticket to. Defaults to "automatic" if this is not set. Can also be set at run time.
  • issue_type (str, optional): the type of issue you want to create. Can also be set at run time. Defaults to 'Task'.
  • summary (str, optional): summary or title for your issue. Can also be set at run time.
  • description (str, optional): description or additional information for the issue. Can also be set at run time.
  • **kwargs (Any, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the standard Task init method.



(username=None, access_token=None, server_url=None, project_name=None, assignee="-1", issue_type=None, summary=None, description=None)[source]

Run method for this Task. Invoked by calling this Task after initialization within a Flow context, or by using Task.bind.


  • username(str): the jira username, provided with a Prefect secret (defaults to JIRAUSER in JIRASECRETS)
  • access_token (str): a Jira access token, provided with a Prefect secret (defaults to JIRATOKEN in JIRASECRETS)
  • server_url (str): the URL of your atlassian account e.g. "https://test.atlassian.net". Can also be set as a Prefect Secret. Defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • project_name(str): the key for your jira project; defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • assignee (str, optional): the atlassian accountId of the person you want to assign the ticket to; defaults to "automatic" if this is not set; defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • issue_type (str, optional): the type of issue you want to create; defaults to 'Task'
  • summary (str, optional): summary or title for your issue; defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • description (str, optional): description or additional information for the issue; defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • ValueError: if a project_name or 'summary' are not provided
  • None

# JiraServiceDeskTask



(server_url=None, service_desk_id=None, issue_type=None, summary=None, description=None, **kwargs)[source]

Task for creating a Jira Service Desk customer request. For this task to function properly, you need a Jira account and API token. The API token can be created at: https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens The Jira account username ('JIRAUSER'), API token ('JIRATOKEN') can be set as part of a 'JIRASECRETS' object in Prefect Secrets.

An example 'JIRASECRETS' secret configuration looks like:

JIRASECRETS.JIRAUSER = "xxxxx@yyy.com"
JIRASECRETS.JIRASERVER = "https://???.atlassian.net"

The server URL can be set as part of the 'JIRASECRETS' object ('JIRASERVER') or passed to the task as the "server_URL" argument.

The service desk id and issue type will show in the URL when you raise a customer request in the UI. For example, in the below URL the service desk id is "3" and the issue_type is 10010:



  • server_url (str): the URL of your atlassian account e.g. "https://test.atlassian.net". Can also be set as a Prefect Secret.
  • service_desk_id (str): the id for your jira service desk. Can also be set at run time.
  • issue_type (int, optional): the type of issue you want to create. Can also be set at run time.
  • summary (str, optional): summary or title for your issue. Can also be set at run time.
  • description (str, optional): description or additional information for the issue. Can also be set at run time.
  • **kwargs (Any, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the standard Task init method.



(username=None, access_token=None, server_url=None, service_desk_id=None, issue_type=None, summary=None, description=None)[source]

Run method for this Task. Invoked by calling this Task after initialization within a Flow context, or by using Task.bind.


  • username(str): the jira username, provided with a Prefect secret (defaults to JIRAUSER in JIRASECRETS)
  • access_token (str): a Jira access token, provided with a Prefect secret (defaults to JIRATOKEN in JIRASECRETS)
  • server_url (str): the URL of your atlassian account e.g. "https://test.atlassian.net". Can also be set as a Prefect Secret. Defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • service_desk_id(str): the key for your jira project; defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • issue_type (str, optional): the type of issue you want to create;
  • summary (str, optional): summary or title for your issue; defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • description (str, optional): description or additional information for the issue; defaults to the one provided at initialization
  • ValueError: if a service_desk_id, request_type, or summary are not provided
  • None

This documentation was auto-generated from commit n/a
on February 23, 2022 at 19:26 UTC