# agent

# local

Manage Prefect Local agents.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  install  Generate a supervisord.conf file for a Local agent
  start    Start a local agent

# local install

Generate a supervisord.conf file for a Local agent

  -k, --key TEXT          A Prefect Cloud API key
  --tenant-id TEXT        The ID of the tenant to connect the agent to. If not
                          set, the default tenant associated with the API key.
  -l, --label TEXT        Labels the agent will use to query for flow runs.
  -e, --env TEXT          Environment variables to set on each submitted flow
  --agent-config-id TEXT  An agent ID to link this agent instance with
  -p, --import-path TEXT  Import paths the local agent will add to all flow
  -f, --show-flow-logs    Display logging output from flows run by the agent.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

# local start

Start a local agent

  -k, --key TEXT                  A Prefect Cloud API key. If not set, the
                                  value will be inferred from the local
  --tenant-id TEXT                The ID of the tenant to connect the agent
                                  to. If not set, the value will be inferred
                                  from the local machine and fallback to the
                                  default associated with the API key.
  -a, --api TEXT                  A Prefect API URL. If not set, the value in
                                  the config is used.
  --agent-config-id TEXT          An agent ID to link this agent instance with
  -n, --name TEXT                 A name to use for the agent
  -l, --label TEXT                Labels the agent will use to query for flow
  -e, --env TEXT                  Environment variables to set on each
                                  submitted flow run.
  --max-polls INTEGER             Maximum number of times the agent should
                                  poll the Prefect API for flow runs. Default
                                  is no limit
  --agent-address TEXT            Address to serve internal api server at.
                                  Defaults to no server.
  --no-cloud-logs                 Turn off logging for all flows run through
                                  this agent. If not set, the Prefect config
                                  value will be used.
                                  The agent log level to use. Defaults to the
                                  value configured in your environment.
  -p, --import-path TEXT          Import paths the local agent will add to all
                                  flow runs.
  -f, --show-flow-logs            Display logging output from flows run by the
  --hostname-label / --no-hostname-label
                                  Add hostname to the LocalAgent's labels
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

# docker

Manage Prefect Docker agents.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  start  Start a docker agent

# docker start

Start a docker agent

  -k, --key TEXT                  A Prefect Cloud API key. If not set, the
                                  value will be inferred from the local
  --tenant-id TEXT                The ID of the tenant to connect the agent
                                  to. If not set, the value will be inferred
                                  from the local machine and fallback to the
                                  default associated with the API key.
  -a, --api TEXT                  A Prefect API URL. If not set, the value in
                                  the config is used.
  --agent-config-id TEXT          An agent ID to link this agent instance with
  -n, --name TEXT                 A name to use for the agent
  -l, --label TEXT                Labels the agent will use to query for flow
  -e, --env TEXT                  Environment variables to set on each
                                  submitted flow run.
  --max-polls INTEGER             Maximum number of times the agent should
                                  poll the Prefect API for flow runs. Default
                                  is no limit
  --agent-address TEXT            Address to serve internal api server at.
                                  Defaults to no server.
  --no-cloud-logs                 Turn off logging for all flows run through
                                  this agent. If not set, the Prefect config
                                  value will be used.
                                  The agent log level to use. Defaults to the
                                  value configured in your environment.
  -b, --base-url TEXT             Docker daemon base URL.
  --no-pull                       Disable pulling images in the agent
  -f, --show-flow-logs            Display logging output from flows run by the
  --volume TEXT                   Host paths for Docker bind mount volumes
                                  attached to each Flow container. Can be
                                  provided multiple times to pass multiple
                                  volumes (e.g. `--volume /volume1 --volume
  --network TEXT                  Add containers to existing Docker networks.
                                  Can be provided multiple times to pass
                                  multiple networks (e.g. `--network network1
                                  --network network2`)
  --docker-client-timeout INTEGER
                                  The timeout to use for docker API calls,
                                  defaults to 60 seconds.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

# kubernetes

Manage Prefect Kubernetes agents.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  install  Generate a deployment.yml file for a Kubernetes agent
  start    Start a Kubernetes agent

# kubernetes install

Generate a deployment.yml file for a Kubernetes agent

  -k, --key TEXT                 A Prefect Cloud API key
  --tenant-id TEXT               The ID of the tenant to connect the agent to.
                                 If not set, the default tenant associated
                                 with the API key.
  -l, --label TEXT               Labels the agent will use to query for flow
  -e, --env TEXT                 Environment variables to set on each
                                 submitted flow run.
  --agent-config-id TEXT         An agent ID to link this agent instance with
  -a, --api TEXT                 A Prefect API URL.
  -n, --namespace TEXT           Agent namespace to launch workloads.
  -i, --image-pull-secrets TEXT  Name of image pull secrets to use for
  --rbac                         Enable default RBAC.
  --latest                       Use the latest Prefect image.
  --mem-request TEXT             Requested memory for Prefect init job.
  --mem-limit TEXT               Limit memory for Prefect init job.
  --cpu-request TEXT             Requested CPU for Prefect init job.
  --cpu-limit TEXT               Limit CPU for Prefect init job.
  --image-pull-policy TEXT       imagePullPolicy for Prefect init job
  --service-account-name TEXT    Name of Service Account for Prefect init job
  -b, --backend TEXT             Prefect backend to use for this agent.
  --help                         Show this message and exit.

# kubernetes start

Start a Kubernetes agent

  -k, --key TEXT                  A Prefect Cloud API key. If not set, the
                                  value will be inferred from the local
  --tenant-id TEXT                The ID of the tenant to connect the agent
                                  to. If not set, the value will be inferred
                                  from the local machine and fallback to the
                                  default associated with the API key.
  -a, --api TEXT                  A Prefect API URL. If not set, the value in
                                  the config is used.
  --agent-config-id TEXT          An agent ID to link this agent instance with
  -n, --name TEXT                 A name to use for the agent
  -l, --label TEXT                Labels the agent will use to query for flow
  -e, --env TEXT                  Environment variables to set on each
                                  submitted flow run.
  --max-polls INTEGER             Maximum number of times the agent should
                                  poll the Prefect API for flow runs. Default
                                  is no limit
  --agent-address TEXT            Address to serve internal api server at.
                                  Defaults to no server.
  --no-cloud-logs                 Turn off logging for all flows run through
                                  this agent. If not set, the Prefect config
                                  value will be used.
                                  The agent log level to use. Defaults to the
                                  value configured in your environment.
  --namespace TEXT                Kubernetes namespace to deploy in. Defaults
                                  to `default`.
  --job-template TEXT             Path to a kubernetes job template to use
                                  instead of the default.
  --service-account-name TEXT     A default service account name to configure
                                  on started jobs.
  --image-pull-secrets TEXT       Default image pull secrets to configure on
                                  started jobs. Multiple values can be
                                  provided as a comma-separated list (e.g.
                                  `--image-pull-secrets VAL1,VAL2`)
  --disable-job-deletion          Turn off automatic deletion of finished jobs
                                  in the namespace.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

# ecs

Manage Prefect ECS agents.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  start  Start an ECS agent

# ecs start

Start an ECS agent

  -k, --key TEXT                  A Prefect Cloud API key. If not set, the
                                  value will be inferred from the local
  --tenant-id TEXT                The ID of the tenant to connect the agent
                                  to. If not set, the value will be inferred
                                  from the local machine and fallback to the
                                  default associated with the API key.
  -a, --api TEXT                  A Prefect API URL. If not set, the value in
                                  the config is used.
  --agent-config-id TEXT          An agent ID to link this agent instance with
  -n, --name TEXT                 A name to use for the agent
  -l, --label TEXT                Labels the agent will use to query for flow
  -e, --env TEXT                  Environment variables to set on each
                                  submitted flow run.
  --max-polls INTEGER             Maximum number of times the agent should
                                  poll the Prefect API for flow runs. Default
                                  is no limit
  --agent-address TEXT            Address to serve internal api server at.
                                  Defaults to no server.
  --no-cloud-logs                 Turn off logging for all flows run through
                                  this agent. If not set, the Prefect config
                                  value will be used.
                                  The agent log level to use. Defaults to the
                                  value configured in your environment.
  --cluster TEXT                  The cluster to use. If not provided, your
                                  default cluster will be used
  --launch-type [FARGATE|EC2]     The launch type to use, defaults to FARGATE
  --task-role-arn TEXT            The default task role ARN to use for ECS
                                  tasks started by this agent.
  --execution-role-arn TEXT       The default execution role ARN to use for
                                  ECS tasks started by this agent.
  --task-definition TEXT          Path to a task definition template to use
                                  when defining new tasks instead of the
  --run-task-kwargs TEXT          Path to a yaml file containing extra kwargs
                                  to pass to `run_task`
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

This documentation was auto-generated from commit ffa9a6c
on February 1, 2023 at 18:44 UTC