# register

# register

Register one or more flows into a project.

  Flows with unchanged metadata will be skipped as registering again will only
  change the version number.

  --project TEXT              The name of the Prefect project to register this
                              flow in. Required.
  -p, --path TEXT             A path to a file or a directory containing the
                              flow(s) to register. May be passed multiple
                              times to specify multiple paths.
  -m, --module TEXT           A python module name containing the flow(s) to
                              register. May be the full import path to a flow.
                              May be passed multiple times to specify multiple
  -j, --json TEXT             A path or URL to a JSON file created by `prefect
                              build` containing the flow(s) to register. May
                              be passed multiple times to specify multiple
                              paths. Note that this path may be a remote url
                              (e.g. https://some-url/flows.json).
  -n, --name TEXT             The name of a flow to register from the
                              specified paths/modules. If provided, only flows
                              with a matching name will be registered. May be
                              passed multiple times to specify multiple flows.
                              If not provided, all flows found on all
                              paths/modules will be registered.
  -l, --label TEXT            A label to add on all registered flow(s). May be
                              passed multiple times to specify multiple
  -f, --force                 Force flow registration, even if the flow's
                              metadata is unchanged.
  --watch                     If set, the specified paths and modules will be
                              monitored and registration re-run upon changes.
  --schedule / --no-schedule  Toggles the flow schedule upon registering. By
                              default, the flow's schedule will be activated
                              and future runs will be created. If disabled,
                              the schedule will still be attached to the flow
                              but no runs will be created until it is
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


    Register all flows found in a directory.

      $ prefect register --project my-project -p myflows/

    Register a flow named "example" found in `flow.py`.

      $ prefect register --project my-project -p flow.py -n "example"

    Register all flows found in a module named `myproject.flows`.

      $ prefect register --project my-project -m "myproject.flows"

    Register a flow in variable `flow_x` in a module `myproject.flows`.

      $ prefect register --project my-project -m "myproject.flows.flow_x"

    Register all pre-built flows from a remote JSON file.

      $ prefect register --project my-project --json https://some-

    Register all flows in python files found recursively using globbing

      $ prefect register --project my-project --path "**/*"

    Watch a directory of flows for changes, and re-register flows upon

      $ prefect register --project my-project -p myflows/ --watch

    Register a flow found in `flow.py` and disable its schedule.

      $ prefect register --project my-project -p flow.py --no-schedule

This documentation was auto-generated from commit bd9182e
on July 31, 2024 at 18:02 UTC