# run

# run

Run a flow

  -i, --id TEXT                   The UUID of a flow or flow group to run. If
                                  a flow group id is given, the latest flow id
                                  will be used for the run.
  --project TEXT                  The name of the Prefect project containing
                                  the flow to run.
  -p, --path TEXT                 The path to a file containing the flow to
  -m, --module TEXT               The python module name containing the flow
                                  to run.
  -n, --name TEXT                 The name of a flow to run from the specified
                                  file/module/project. If the source contains
                                  multiple flows, this must be provided.
  --label TEXT                    A label to add to the flow run. May be
                                  passed multiple times to specify multiple
                                  labels. If not passed, the labels from the
                                  flow group will be used.
  --run-name TEXT                 A name to assign to the flow run.
  --context TEXT                  A key, value pair (key=value) specifying a
                                  flow context variable. The value will be
                                  interpreted as JSON. May be passed multiple
                                  times to specify multiple context values.
                                  Nested values may be set by passing a dict.
  --param TEXT                    A key, value pair (key=value) specifying a
                                  flow parameter. The value will be
                                  interpreted as JSON. May be passed multiple
                                  times to specify multiple parameter values.
                                  The log level to set for the flow run. If
                                  passed, the level must be a valid Python
                                  logging level name. If this option is not
                                  passed, the default level for the flow will
                                  be used.
  --param-file TEXT               The path to a JSON file containing parameter
                                  keys and values. Any parameters passed with
                                  `--param` will take precedence over these
  --idempotency-key TEXT          A key to prevent duplicate flow runs. If a
                                  flow run has already been started with the
                                  provided value, the command will display
                                  information for the existing run. If using
                                  `--execute`, duplicate flow runs will exit
                                  with an error. If not using the backing API,
                                  this flag has no effect.
  --execute                       Execute the flow run in-process without an
                                  agent. If this process exits, the flow run
                                  will be marked as 'Failed'.
  -s, --schedule                  Execute the flow run according to the
                                  schedule attached to the flow. If this flag
                                  is set, this command will wait between
                                  scheduled flow runs. If the flow has no
                                  schedule, this flag will be ignored. If used
                                  with a non-local run, an exception will be
  -q, --quiet                     Disable verbose messaging about the flow run
                                  and just print the flow run id.
  --no-logs                       Disable streaming logs from the flow run to
                                  this terminal. Only state changes will be
                                  displayed. Only applicable when `--watch` is
  -w, --watch                     Wait for the flow run to finish executing
                                  and display status information.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


    Run flow in a script locally

      $ prefect run -p hello-world.py

    Run flow in a module locally

      $ prefect run -m prefect.hello_world

    Run flow with a non-default parameter locally

      $ prefect run -m prefect.hello_world --param name=Marvin

    Run registered flow with the backend by flow name and watch execution

      $ prefect run -n "hello-world" --watch

    Run registered flow with the backend with custom labels

      $ prefect run -n "hello-world" --label example --label hello

    Run registered flow with the backend by flow id and exit after creation

      $ prefect run -i "9a1cd70c-37d7-4cd4-ab91-d41c2700300d"

    Run registered flow and pipe flow run id to another program

      $ prefect run -n "hello-world" --quiet | post_run.sh

    Run registered flow and execute locally without an agent

      $ prefect run -n "hello-world" --execute

This documentation was auto-generated from commit bd9182e
on July 31, 2024 at 18:02 UTC