# Using script based flow storage

Looking for the latest Prefect 2 release? Prefect 2 and Prefect Cloud 2 have been released for General Availability. See https://docs.prefect.io/ for details.

As of Prefect version 0.12.5 all storage options support storing flows as source files instead of pickled objects. This means that flow code can change in between (or even during) runs without needing to be re-registered. As long as the structure of the flow itself does not change, only the task content, then a Prefect API backend will be able to execute the flow. This is a useful storage mechanism especially for testing, debugging, CI/CD processes, and more!

# Enable script storage

Some storage classes (for example, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and CodeCommit) only support script-based storage. All other classes require you to opt-in by passing stored_as_script=True to the storage class constructor.

# Example script based workflow

GitHub dependency

This idiom requires that git is installed as well as Prefect's github extra dependencies:

pip install 'prefect[github]'

In this example we will walk through a potential workflow you may use when registering flows with GitHub storage. This example takes place in a GitHub repository with the following structure:

└── README.md
    └── my_flow.py

First, compose your flow file and give the flow GitHub storage:

# flows/my_flow.py

from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.storage import GitHub

def get_data():
    return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

def print_data(data):

with Flow("example") as flow:
    data = get_data()

flow.storage = GitHub(
    repo="org/repo",                            # name of repo
    path="flows/my_flow.py",                    # location of flow file in repo
    access_token_secret="GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"   # name of personal access token secret

Here's a breakdown of the three kwargs set on the GitHub storage:

  • repo: the name of the repo that this code will live in
  • path: the location of the flow file in the repo. This must be an exact match to the path of the file.
  • access_token_secret: If your flow is stored in a private repo, you'll need to provide credentials to access the repo. This takes the name of a Prefect secret which contains a GitHub personal access token.

Push this code to the repository:

git add .
git commit -m 'Add my flow'
git push

Now that the file exists on the repo the flow needs to be registered with a Prefect API backend (either Core's server or Prefect Cloud).

$ prefect register -p flows/my_flow.py --project MyProject
Collecting flows...
Processing 'flows/my_flow.py':
  Building `GitHub` storage...
  Registering 'example'... Done
  └── ID: c0dabf5a-4234-431b-8cc1-dbb6f3d6546d
  └── Version: 1
======================== 1 registered ========================

The flow is ready to run! Every time you need to change the code inside your flow's respective tasks all you need to do is commit that code to the same location in the repository and each subsequent run will use that code.

Flow Structure

If you change any of the structure of your flow such as task names, rearrange task order, etc. then you will need to re-register that flow.

GitLab users

This example applies to GitLab as well. To use GitLab storage, install the gitlab extra:

pip install 'prefect[gitlab]'

You can replace GitHub instances in the example above with GitLab, use the "GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN" secret rather than "GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN", and then you may run the example as written.

from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.storage import GitLab


flow.storage = GitLab(
    repo="org/repo",                            # name of repo
    path="flows/my_flow.py",                    # location of flow file in repo
    access_token_secret="GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN"   # name of personal access token secret

Bitbucket users

Similarly, to use Bitbucket (Server only) based storage, install the bitbucket extra:

pip install 'prefect[bitbucket]'

Bitbucket storage also operates largely the same way. Replace GitHub with Bitbucket and use the BITBUCKET_ACCESS_TOKEN secret. However, Bitbucket requires an additional argument: project. The flow.storage in the above example would be declared as follows for Bitbucket storage:

from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.storage import Bitbucket


flow.storage = Bitbucket(
    project="project",                              # name of project that repo resides in
    repo="org/repo",                                # name of repo
    path="flows/my_flow.py",                        # location of flow file in repo
    access_token_secret="BITBUCKET_ACCESS_TOKEN"    # name of personal access token secret

# Script based Docker storage

flow.storage = Docker(
    files={"/source/of/my_flow.py": "my_flow.py"},

To store flows as files in Docker storage, three kwargs needs to be set if you are using Prefect's default Docker storage build step:

  • path: the path that the file is stored in the Docker image
  • files: a dictionary of local file source to path destination in image
  • stored_as_script: boolean enabling script based storage

If your Docker storage is using an image that already has your flow files added into it then you only need to specify the following:

flow.storage = Docker(

# Script based cloud storage

Script based storage of flows is also supported for flows stored in S3 and GCS buckets. The following snippet shows S3 and GCS storage options where a flow is stored as a script and the key points to the specific file path in the bucket.

flow.storage = S3(

# or

flow.storage = GCS(

Storing flows this way is similar to the git-based flow storage where users manually have to upload the flows to the buckets and then set a key to match. There is another option where flows scripts can be automatically uploaded to the buckets by providing a file path to the storage object. (Note: if key is not set then a key will be automatically generated for the storage of the flow)



flow.storage = S3(
    local_script_path="my_flow.py"  # Local file that you want uploaded to the bucket

# or

flow.storage = GCS(
    local_script_path="my_flow.py"  # Local file that you want uploaded to the bucket

The script location can also be provided when registering the flow through the register CLI command through the --path/-p option:

prefect register -p my_flow.py --project MyProject