# Dask Cloud Provider Environment
Flows configured with environments are no longer supported. We recommend users transition to using RunConfig instead. See the Flow Configuration and Upgrading Environments to RunConfig documentation for more information.
# Overview
The Dask Cloud Provider Environment executes each Flow run on a dynamically created Dask cluster. It uses the Dask Cloud Provider project to create a Dask scheduler and workers using cloud provider services, e.g. AWS Fargate. This Environment aims to provide a very easy way to achieve high scalability without the complexity of Kubernetes.
AWS, Azure Only
Dask Cloud Provider currently supports AWS (using either Fargate or ECS) and Azure (using AzureML). Support for GCP is coming soon.
Security Considerations
By default, Dask Cloud Provider may create a Dask cluster in some environments (e.g. Fargate) that is accessible via a public IP, without any authentication, and configured to NOT encrypt network traffic. Please be conscious of security issues if you test this environment. (Also see pull requests 85 and 91 in the Dask Cloud Provider project.)
# Process
# Initialization
The DaskCloudProviderEnvironment
serves largely to pass kwargs through to the specific class
from the Dask Cloud Provider project that you're using. You can find the list of
available arguments in the Dask Cloud Provider
API documentation.
from dask_cloudprovider import FargateCluster
from prefect import Flow, task
from prefect.environments import DaskCloudProviderEnvironment
environment = DaskCloudProviderEnvironment(
The above code will create a Dask scheduler and one Dask worker using AWS Fargate each time that a Flow using that environment runs.
Fargate Task Startup Latency
AWS Fargate Task startup time can be slow and increases as your Docker
image size increases. Total startup time for a Dask scheduler and workers can
be several minutes. This environment is appropriate for production
deployments of scheduled Flows where there's little sensitivity to startup
time. DaskCloudProviderEnvironment
is a particularly good fit for automated
deployment of scheduled Flows in a CI/CD pipeline where the infrastructure for each Flow
should be as independent as possible, e.g. each Flow could have its own docker
image, dynamically create the Dask cluster for each Flow run, etc. However, for
development and interactive testing, either using ECS (instead of Fargate) or
creating a Dask cluster manually (with Dask Cloud Provider or otherwise) and then using
configured with a DaskExecutor
will result
in a much better and faster development experience.
# Requirements
The Dask Cloud Provider environment requires sufficient privileges with your cloud provider
in order to run Docker containers for the Dask scheduler and workers. It's a good idea to
test Dask Cloud Provider directly and confirm that it's working properly before using
. See this documentation
for more details.
Here's an example of creating a Dask cluster using Dask Cloud Provider directly, running a Flow on it, and then closing the cluster to tear down all cloud resoures that were created.
from dask_cloudprovider import FargateCluster
from prefect import Flow, Parameter, task
from prefect.executors import DaskExecutor
cluster = FargateCluster(
scheduler_timeout="15 minutes",
# Be aware of scheduler_timeout. In this case, if no Dask client (e.g. Prefect
# Dask Executor) has connected to the Dask scheduler in 15 minutes, the Dask
# cluster will terminate. For development, you may want to increase this timeout.
def times_two(x):
return x * 2
def get_sum(x_list):
return sum(x_list)
with Flow("Dask Cloud Provider Test") as flow:
x = Parameter("x", default=[1, 2, 3])
y = times_two.map(x)
results = get_sum(y)
# cluser.scheduler.address is the private ip
# use cluster.scheduler_address if connecting on the public ip
parameters={"x": list(range(10))})
# Tear down the Dask cluster. If you're developing and testing your flow you would
# not do this after each Flow run, but when you're done developing and testing.
One of the coolest and most useful features of Dask is the visual dashboard that updates in real time as a cluster executes a Flow. Here's a view of the Dask dashboard while the above Flow processed a list of 100 items with 4 Dask workers:
You can find the URL for the Dask dashboard of your cluster in the Flow logs:
April 26th 2020 at 12:17:41pm | prefect.DaskCloudProviderEnvironment
Dask cluster created. Scheduler address: tls:// Dashboard:
# Setup
The Dask Cloud Provider environment has no setup step because it has no infrastructure requirements.
# Execute
Create a new cluster consisting of one Dask scheduler and one or more Dask workers on your
cloud provider. By default, DaskCloudProviderEnvironment
will use the same Docker image
as your Flow for the Dask scheduler and worker. This ensures that the Dask workers have the
same dependencies (python modules, etc.) as the environment where the Flow runs. This drastically
simplifies dependency management and avoids the need for separately distributing softare
to Dask workers.
Following creation of the Dask cluster, the Flow will be run using the Dask Executor pointed to the newly-created Dask cluster. All Task execution will take place on the Dask workers.
# Examples
# Adaptive Number of Dask Workers
The following example will execute your Flow on a cluster that uses Dask's adaptive scaling to dynamically select the number of workers based on load of the Flow. The cluster will start with a single worker and dynamically scale up to five workers as needed.
Dask Adaptive Mode vs. Fixed Number of Workers
While letting Dask dynamically choose the number of workers with adaptive mode is
attractive, the slow startup time of Fargate workers may cause Dask to quickly request
the maximum number of workers. You may find that manually specifying the number of
workers with n_workers
is more effective. You can also do your own calculation
of n_workers
based on Flow run parameters at execution time in your own on_execute()
callback function. (See the last code example on this page.)
from dask_cloudprovider import FargateCluster
from prefect import Flow, task, Parameter
from prefect.environments import DaskCloudProviderEnvironment
environment = DaskCloudProviderEnvironment(
def times_two(x):
return x * 2
def get_sum(x_list):
return sum(x_list)
with Flow("Dask Cloud Provider Test", environment=environment) as flow:
x = Parameter("x", default=[1, 2, 3])
y = times_two.map(x)
results = get_sum(y)
# Advanced Example: Dynamic Worker Sizing from Parameters & TLS Encryption
In this example we enable TLS encryption with Dask and dynamically calculate the number of Dask workers based on the parameters to a Flow run just prior to execution.
callback function examines parameters for that Flow run and modifies the kwargs that will get passed to the constructor of the provider class from Dask Cloud Provider.TLS ecryption requires that the cert, key, and CA files are available in the Flow's Docker image
kwargs are not yet available in Dask Cloud Provider, but there is an open pull request to include them.
import math
from typing import Any, List, Dict
from distributed.security import Security
from dask_cloudprovider import FargateCluster
import prefect
from prefect import Flow, Parameter, task
from prefect.environments import DaskCloudProviderEnvironment
security = Security(
def on_execute(parameters: Dict[str, Any], provider_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
length_of_x = len(parameters.get("x"))
natural_log_of_length = int(math.log(length_of_x))
n_workers = min(1, max(10, natural_log_of_length)) # At least 1 worker & no more than 10
provider_kwargs["n_workers"] = n_workers
environment = DaskCloudProviderEnvironment(
def times_two(x):
return x * 2
def get_sum(x_list):
return sum(x_list)
with Flow("DaskCloudProviderEnvironment Test", environment=environment) as flow:
x = Parameter("x", default=list(range(10)))
y = times_two.map(x)
results = get_sum(y)