# Dask Kubernetes Environment

Looking for the latest Prefect 2 release? Prefect 2 and Prefect Cloud 2 have been released for General Availability. See https://docs.prefect.io/ for details.


Flows configured with environments are no longer supported. We recommend users transition to using RunConfig instead. See the Flow Configuration and Upgrading Environments to RunConfig documentation for more information.

# Overview

The Dask Kubernetes environment uses the dask-kubernetes library to dynamically spawn Dask clusters on Kubernetes. This environment is intended for use in cases where you do not want a static, long-standing Dask cluster, but would rather have a temporary Dask cluster created for each Flow run. The Dask Kubernetes environment has both low-configuration options to quickly get up and running and the ability to specify completely custom Pod specifications for the Dask scheduler and workers.

For more information on the Dask Kubernetes environment visit the relevant API documentation.

# Process

# Initialization

Quick Configuration:

The DaskKubernetesEnvironment can optionally accept two worker-dependent arguments min_workers and max_workers. These options set the minimum and maximum number of workers you want to dynamically scale to for your Dask cluster; these default to 1 and 2 workers respectively.

Auto Scaling

If you do not want your Dask cluster to automatically scale the number of workers between the bounds of min_workers and max_workers then set the two options to the same value.

Private Registries

When running your flows that are registered with a private container registry, you should either specify the name of an image_pull_secret on the flow's DaskKubernetesEnvironment or directly set the imagePullSecrets on your custom worker/scheduler specs.

Custom Configuration:

The DaskKubernetesEnvironment also has two optional arguments for loading completely custom scheduler and worker YAML specifications: scheduler_spec_file and worker_spec_file. These options should be file paths to YAML files containing the spec. On initialization these files will be loaded and stored in the environment; they will never be sent to Prefect Cloud and will exist only inside your Flow's Docker storage. You may choose to specify only one of these files as both are not required. It is a common use case for users to only specify a worker_spec_file because when using Dask all execution takes place on the workers.

Providing custom YAML configuration is useful in a lot of cases, especially when you may want to control resource usage, node allocation, RBAC, etc.

YAML Override

If you choose to provide any custom YAML spec files they will take precedence over the quick configuration arguments when creating the Dask cluster.


When using the custom YAML spec files it is recommended that you ensure the image is the same image name and tag that was built for your Flow on registration. This is to ensure consistency of dependencies for your Flow's execution.

e.g. If you push a Flow's storage as gcr.io/dev/etl-flow:0.1.0 then your custom YAML spec should contain - image: gcr.io/dev/etl-flow:0.1.0.

# Requirements

The Dask Kubernetes environment requires RBAC to be configured in a way in which it can work with both jobs and pods in its namespace. The Prefect CLI provides a convenient --rbac flag for automatically attaching this Role and RoleBinding to the Agent deployment YAML.

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  namespace: default
  name: prefect-agent-rbac
- apiGroups: ["batch", "extensions"]
  resources: ["jobs"]
  verbs: ["*"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["*"]


apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  namespace: default
  name: prefect-agent-rbac
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: default
  kind: Role
  name: prefect-agent-rbac
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io

# Setup


As of version 0.11.3 setting docker_secret and private_registry is deprecated. Image pull secrets should be set on custom YAML for the scheduler and worker pods or directly through the image_pull_secret kwarg. For more information on Kubernetes imagePullSecets go here.

The Dask Kubernetes environment setup step is responsible for checking the Kubernetes Secret for a provided docker_secret only if private_registry=True. If the Kubernetes Secret is not found then it will attempt to create one based off of the value set in the Prefect Secret matching the name specified for docker_secret.

For more information on how Docker registry credentials are used as Kubernetes imagePullSecrets go here.

# Execute

Create a new Kubernetes Job with the configuration provided at initialization of this environment. That Job is responsible for creating a KubeCluster object from the dask_kubernetes library with the provided configuration. Previously configured custom worker YAML and min/max worker settings are applied at this point as dask_kubernetes takes care of automatic worker creation.

Following creation of the Dask cluster, the Flow will be run using the Dask Executor pointing to the newly-created Dask cluster. All Task execution will take place on the Dask worker pods.

# Examples

# Dask Kubernetes Environment w/ Min & Max Workers

The following example will execute your Flow on an auto-scaling Dask cluster in Kubernetes. The cluster will start with a single worker and dynamically scale up to five workers as needed.

from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.environments import DaskKubernetesEnvironment

def get_value():
    return "Example!"

def output_value(value):

flow = Flow(
    "Min / Max Workers Dask Kubernetes Example",
    environment=DaskKubernetesEnvironment(min_workers=1, max_workers=3),

# set task dependencies using imperative API
output_value.set_upstream(get_value, flow=flow)
output_value.bind(value=get_value, flow=flow)

# Dask Kubernetes Environment w/ Custom Worker YAML

In this example we specify a custom worker specification. There are a few things of note here:

  • The worker YAML is contained in a file called worker_spec.yaml. This YAML is placed in the same directory as the Flow and is loaded in your environment with worker_spec_file="worker_spec.yaml".

  • The Flow's storage is set to have a registry url, image name, and image tag as gcr.io/dev/dask-k8s-flow:0.1.0. Note that this is the same image specified in the YAML.

  • The worker spec has replicas: 2 which means that on creation of the Dask cluster there will be two worker pods for executing the Tasks of your Flow.

kind: Pod
    foo: bar
  replicas: 2
  restartPolicy: Never
    - image: gcr.io/dev/dask-k8s-flow:0.1.0
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      args: [dask-worker, --nthreads, "2", --no-bokeh, --memory-limit, 4GB]
      name: dask-worker
        - name: EXTRA_PIP_PACKAGES
          value: fastparquet git+https://github.com/dask/distributed
          cpu: "2"
          memory: 4G
          cpu: "2"
          memory: 2G
from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.environments import DaskKubernetesEnvironment
from prefect.storage import Docker

def get_value():
    return "Example!"

def output_value(value):

flow = Flow(
    "Custom Worker Spec Dask Kubernetes Example",
        registry_url="gcr.io/dev/", image_name="dask-k8s-flow", image_tag="0.1.0"

# set task dependencies using imperative API
output_value.set_upstream(get_value, flow=flow)
output_value.bind(value=get_value, flow=flow)