# More Resources

Looking for the latest Prefect 2 release? Prefect 2 and Prefect Cloud 2 have been released for General Availability. See https://docs.prefect.io/ for details.

The Quick Start guide has covered:

  • Installing Prefect Core
  • Writing a flow
  • Creating a project
  • Registering and running your flow
  • Providing flow parameters at runtime
  • Altering a flow's execution environment through it's run-config

This is just the beginning; Prefect has many more resources and concepts to explore.

# Video Guides

Check out the Prefect YouTube channel for advice and guides such as how to Deploy Prefect Server.

# The Prefect Blog

The Prefect blog has lots of ideas and guides on simple ways to get started with Prefect. For new users on Core 0.15.0, our New Flow Run Experience blog post sets out a new way to run flows with Prefect.

# Examples

Prefect provides a number of examples that illustrate different aspects of developing and running flows. These examples can all be run locally or through Prefect Cloud/Server. To create a new project and register all examples, run the following:

# Create a new "Prefect Examples" project
$ prefect create project "Prefect Examples"

# Register all the examples into the "Prefect Examples" project
$ prefect register --json https://docs.prefect.io/examples.json --project "Prefect Examples"

See the examples page for more information.

# Concepts

Visit the Concept docs for actions such as working directly with Prefect's GraphQL API, diving into the CLI, setting concurrency limits on your Cloud runs, and more.

# Agents

To learn more about Prefect agents, flow affinity via labels, or find information on platform specific agents visit the agent documentation.

# Flow Configuration

For information on all the options for configuring a flow for deployment, see the Flow Configuration documentation.

# Deployment Recipes

Check out some of the deployment recipes that are written for some example flow deployment patterns.